HC Deb 16 January 1974 vol 867 cc518-9
6. Mr. Judd

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will make a statement on the Government's policy towards road building and public transport in the light of the latest developments in the energy shortage.

The Minister for Transport Industries (Mr. John Peyton)

Not yet, Sir.

Mr. Judd

In view of the on-going and long-term energy crisis, which is likely to be with us for all time, would not the Minister agree that the time has come to call a halt to superfluous road building and to use the public funds thus saved to finance effective and efficient public transport and other essential social services covering the needs of the elderly, the sick and children enjoying education?

Mr. Peyton

I accept what the hon. Gentleman says about a continuing energy problem, but the Government are already supporting public transport to a marked extent. Also, roads will be needed for some time ahead. The hon. Gentleman should not be led into too great exaggerations.

Mrs. Knight

In the context of the present energy shortage, what instructions has my right hon. Friend given concerning lighting on motorways? Is he aware that it is extremely irritating for householders who have been stringently following the rules to find that on the motorways the scene looks like the Blackpool illuminations?

Mr. Peyton

Yes, I agree that it is irritating for those who are trying to economise in their own homes to see massive illuminations on motorways. I have cut them down considerably, and I did so again last week. At the same time, I am sure my hon. Friend will bear in mind the need for lighting at dangerous junctions to avert accidents.

Mr. Mulley

When the right hon. Gentleman made his statement about the future of British Railways, I understood that he proposed early this year to produce a White Paper dealing with wider transport questions. Should I infer from his answer today that the White Paper will be further delayed, or does he intend to issue the White Paper during this month, as I understood to be the intention?

Mr. Peyton

Any White Paper has to take full account of the great change in the energy situation, so there will inevitably be a delay. I prefer to wait until there has been clarification of the energy problem.

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