HC Deb 04 April 1974 vol 871 cc1584-6

Ordered, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider Science and Technology and to report thereon from time to time. The Committee was nominated of Mr. Ronald Brown, Mr. Ray Carter, Dr. John Cunningham, Mr. Neil Macfarlane, Mr. Alex Fletcher, Mr. David Ginsburg, Mr. Frank Hooley, Mr. Ted Leadbitter, Mr. Ian Lloyd, Mr. Airey Neave, Mr. Arthur Palmer, Mr. Norman Tebbit, Mr. Christopher Tugendhat, and Mr. Kenneth Warren.

Ordered, That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers and records, to sit notwithstanding any Adjournment of the House, to adjourn from place to place, and to report Minutes of Evidence from time to time.

Ordered, That Five be the Quorum of the Committee.

Ordered, That the Committee have power to appoint Sub-committees and to refer to such Subcommittees any of the matters referred to the Committee.

Ordered, That every such Sub-committee have power to send for persons, papers and records, to sit notwithstanding any Adjournment of the House, to adjourn from place to place, and to report to the Committee from time to time.

Ordered, That Three be the Quorum of every such Sub-committee.

Ordered, That the Committee have power to report from time to time the Minutes of Evidence taken before such Sub-Committee.

Ordered, That the Committee have power to appoint persons with technical or scientific knowledge for the purpose of particular inquiries, either to supply information which is not readily available or to elucidate matters of complexity within the Committee's order of reference.—[Mr. Walter Harrison.]

Mr. Walter Harrison (Treasurer of Her Majesty's Household)

Hon Members will see that the next paragraph of the motion on the Order Paper reads: That the Minutes of the Evidence taken before the Select Committee on Science and Technology and before the Sub-committee appointed by that Committee in the last Session of the last Parliament, together with Appendices, be referred to the Committee: These words should be omitted. They are a repeat of an order from last Session's terms of reference, and are no longer appropriate.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

That seems a reasonable request, and I expect that the House will agree that the motion be carried with the deletion of those words.

Ordered, That the Minutes of the Evidence taken before Sub-committees of the Select Committee on Science and Technology in the last Session of the last Parliament, together with the Minutes of the Evidence taken before Sub-Committee D of the Select Committee on Science and Technology in Session 1972–73 be referred to the Committee.—[Mr. Walter Harrison.]

  1. PRIVILEGES 93 words
  2. c1586
  4. c1586
  6. c1586
  7. ADJOURNMENT 13 words
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