HC Deb 24 October 1973 vol 861 cc1233-4
6. Mr. Maclennan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he has completed his review of the working of the Congested Districts (Scotland) Act 1897. and of the possibility of altering the criteria whereunder croft roads are eligible for grant assistance.

Mr. Younger

Before my right hon. Friend can complete his review, he needs to have the views of the seven county councils involved. Not all of them have yet replied to his requests.

Mr. Maclennan

That is a disappointing reply. Will the Minister bear in mind that since the Act was passed the conditions of crofting have greatly changed, in particular the tendency towards the amalgamation of crofts? Crofters living and working more than one unit make archaic and out of date the provision requiring that a road leads to more than one inhabited croft. Will the Minister also bear in mind that in some crofting areas, particularly in Caithness and Shetland, there are smallholdings exactly similar to crofts which are not so defined? A small amendment to the law is required to make them similarly eligible. Will the hon. Gentleman take those points into close consideration when he produces his final report?

Mr. Younger

Yes, I shall certainly take careful note of what the hon. Gentleman said. I shall also do my best to see, when we have the replies from the county councils concerned, that the review is completed as quickly as is possible, following the consultations that may be necessary.

Mr. Strang

Is the Minister aware that the sharp escalation in building costs has made crofters' housing grants quite unrealistic and that, as a result, in recent months a number of crofters have been forced to withdraw their applications for grants? As we urgently need additional housing in these areas, here is an economic way of providing it. Will the Minister look urgently at this matter?

Mr. Younger

Certainly, I agree to look urgently at that matter. I was not aware that there had been withdrawals in recent months.