HC Deb 22 October 1973 vol 861 cc682-3
16. Mr. McCrindle

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many complaints have been received by his Department in regard to alleged imperfections in package tours; and what action he now proposes.

Sir G. Howe

About 53 complaints have been received in the six months April to September 1973. I propose, in concert with the Director General of Fair Trading, and in consultation with the Association of British Travel Agents, to set in hand an early study of what action may be needed.

Mr. McCrindle

In view of the inconvenience caused this year by last-minute currency surcharges on package holidays, will the Minister suggest to the appropriate authorities that the simple expedient of insuring against such currency surcharges, often imposed on package holidays at the last minute, might be pursued to prevent a repetition in 1974?

Sir G. Howe

That is certainly one of the matters that can be considered.

Mr. Rose

Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman aware that the overwhelming majority of these complaints do not find their way to his Department, as a single appearance on television on this subject will show? Is the Minister further aware that what is needed is an end to exclusion clauses which take away the rights of the consumer? Is not this an ideal sector in which to try the new small claims courts, so that the consumer may take action against recalcitrant companies?

Sir G. Howe

I am glad to underline what the hon. Gentleman has said about the value of the arbitration procedure now available in the county courts as one way of obtaining remedies in complaints of this kind. In respect of exclusion clauses, it is worth remembering that more than 4½ million holidays were made last year through inclusive tours. I look forward to receiving as soon as possible the Law Commission's report on exclusion clauses in relation to contracts for services. I hope to act quickly as soon as that report is received. Meanwhile, the Director General of Fair Trading will shortly be able to keep under review matters of the kind of which the hon. Gentleman complains.