That a Select Committee be appointed to consider United Kingdom assistance for overseas development, and to report thereon:
And the Committee was nominated of Sir Frederic Bennett, Sir Bernard Braine, Mr.
Christopher Brocklebank-Fowler, Mr. George Cunningham, Mr. Philip Goodhart, Mr. Michael Grylls, Mrs. Judith Hart, Mr. Frank Judd, and Mr. Nigel Spearing.
That the Committee have power to appoint persons with expert knowledge for the purpose of particular inquiries, either to supply information which is not readily available or to elucidate matters of complexity within the Committee's Order of Reference.
That the Committee have powers to send for persons, papers and records, to sit notwithstanding any Adjournment of the House, to adjourn from place to place, and to report from time to time.
That Three be the Quorum of the Committee—[Mr. Weatherill.]