HC Deb 14 November 1973 vol 864 cc498-9
13. Mr. Terry Davis

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what has been the average increase in water rates charged by the water undertakings in the past year.

Mr. Eldon Griffiths

My Department does not collect information about individual water rates but I know that water undertakers generally froze their rates for the current year, and in most cases will be running at a loss. The very few increases which have come to my notice affect only the second half of the year and, of these, I understand that the worst is roughly 7½ pence a week for the average householder.

Mr. Davis

Is the Minister aware that the East Worcestershire Waterworks Company has just increased its domestic water rate by 48 per cent.? Is he also aware that last year it had a surplus of £278,000, after interest, before dividends and income tax? Is he further aware that wages paid by the company went up by 13 per cent., but that directors' fees were increased by 65 per cent.?

Mr. Griffiths

It is not for me but for the company to justify these increases by reference to the price code. I understand that the company consulted the Price Commission, which was unable to say that the increases were unjustified.