HC Deb 05 November 1973 vol 863 cc590-2
6. Mr. Biggs-Davison

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications what preferential postal and telegraphic rates now obtain between the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries and dependencies.

Sir J. Eden

The Post Office applies preferential Commonwealth Press telegram rates to practically all Commonwealth countries; and Commonwealth social telegram rates to all except Malta and Gibraltar. In addition, the ordinary rates for telegrams to many Commonwealth countries are lower than the comparable rates to adjacent countries.

Preferential postage rates for surface letters apply to all parts of the Commonwealth except the 16 countries or dependencies which have ceased to offer preferential rates to the United Kingdom.

With permission, I shall circulate details in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Biggs-Davison

Is it not sad, however, that the Commonwealth countries which do not accord preferential rates include at least one member of the old Commonwealth? While reciprocity is important, will my right hon. Friend do his utmost to restore the position where we have preferential rates throughout the old Commonwealth?

Sir J. Eden

At the moment these rates are withdrawn only where they have already been withdrawn by those other countries. Australia and Canada are included in that list of countries. But I believe that it would be right not to maintain a one-way preferential rate, and I believe, too, that that is generally accepted throughout the Commonwealth.

Mr. R. C. Mitchell

While accepting the last part of the Minister's answer, may I ask whether it is possible for him to reopen negotiations with Canada and Australia to see whether we may once again have a reciprocal arrangement? Many people here have relatives in both Australia and Canada, and in recent months the cost of sending parcels and so on to those countries has greatly increased.

Sir J. Eden

I do not think it is a case of reopening the matter. This is following up the decision taken by those countries, and it is right that that is the way the matter should be regarded.

Following are the details:

Post Office Overseas Surface Letter Post Rates to Commonwealth and Foreign Destinations (effective 10th September 1973).
Weight step Commonwealth* Foreign
p p
1 oz
2 oz 7 11
4 oz 12 15
8 oz 20 30
1 lb 35 55
2 lb 60 90
4 lb 100 150
* Except Australia, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Norfolk Island, British Solomon Islands, Canada, India, Jamaica, Lesotho, Nigeria, Papua and New Guinea, Singapore, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Tortola (British Virgin Islands), Trinidad and Tobago and Zambia: to which the Foreign rate applies.

Press Telegrams Ordinary Press telegrams to Commonwealth countries are charged at 2p per word instead of the appropriate non-Commonwealth rates of 3⅓p, 4p, 4⅔p or 6⅔p depending on destination. A similar degree of concession applies for urgent Press telegrams. Commonwealth Social Telegrams A form of letter telegram with a lower minimum charge (as for 11 words minimum instead of 22). The service is available to all Commonwealth countries except Malta and Gibraltar. Phototelegrams Preferential rates exist for both private and Press phototelegrams to all intercontinental Commonwealth countries to which the service is available. Ordinary telegrams In addition, following a long tradition, there is an element of Commonwealth preference in the ordinary telegram rates to the following places:
Country Rate per word
Antigua 10
Australia 14
Bahamas 10
Barbados 10
Belize 10
Bermuda 10
Brunei 14
Carriacou 10
Cayman Islands 10
Chatham Islands 14
Cook (Hervey) Islands 14
Dominica 10
Falkland Islands 14
Fiji 14
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 14
Grenada 10
Guyana 10
Hong Kong 14
Jamaica 10
Malaya 14
Montserrat 10
Nauru Island 14
New Guinea Territory 14
New Hebrides 14
New Zealand 14
Niue Island 14
Norfolk Island 14
Papua 14
Pitcairn Island 14
Sabah 14
St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla 10
St. Lucia 10
St. Vincent 10
Samoa (West) 14
Sarawak 14
Singapore 14
Solomon Islands 14