HC Deb 23 May 1973 vol 857 cc447-9
12. Mr. Maclennan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will review the criteria of eligibility for grant assistance under the Congested Districts (Scotland) Act 1897 of roads leading to crafting townships, taking into account the trend towards individual crofters working more than one crofting unit.

Mr. Younger

My right hon. Friend is viewing the criteria in the light of current circumstances, but I cannot yet say whether any change will be justified.

Mr. Maclennan

That is a welcome reply from the Minister. Can he say whether the review will be affected by Monday's announcement of public expenditure cuts? Can he also say whether, in the review, he will look at the question of the building of a bridge over the River Oykel, which has been frustrated by the vested interests of landlords because of their alleged fishing interests? This proposal has been put forward by the local authority in the area as suitable for a grant under the Act in the light of the fact that the Army OPMAC bridging scheme cannot go ahead as agreed because of the opposition of the landlord.

Mr. Younger

I should not, without notice and without a chance to look into the details, like to agree with the hon. Gentleman's assessment of the position relating to the Oykel bridge. We are reviewing the working of the Act in the light of current priorities. When we have done that we shall be able to tell whether any change is needed and whether any change would be affected by the expenditure announcement made earlier this week.

Mr. Carmichael

Does the hon. Gentleman recognise that it would be disastrous socially if there were cuts in the programme for Highland roads because of the Government's announcement? Will the hon. Gentleman pay particular attention to the report issued by the Highlands and Islands Development Board and to the recent transport paper, particularly that part of it dealing with roads? May I ask the hon. Gentleman to give us, at some time, an indication of the Government's reaction to that paper and say whether the Government accept the general principles set out in the portion of it dealing with roads?

Mr. Younger

I have read the paper with great interest but my Department and I have not had time to study it completely. I agree that it is very important. More road works are going on in the Highlands now than probably ever before. The hon. Gentleman will no doubt have noticed—if he did, I am sure that he was as glad as I was—that my right hon. Friend was able to say that all road developments associated with North Sea oil would be exempted from the cuts announced on Monday. That is important from the point of view of Scotland and the Highlands.

Mr. Ross

Surely the hon. Gentleman appreciates the concern that is felt in these areas. It would be disastrous to make cuts of this kind in a programme affecting people already there and working in the traditional way while at the same time things are to flow freely for oil. The Government should be very careful about what they do and say.

Mr. Younger

I note what the right hon. Gentleman has said. To get the record straight, may I make it clear that I have announced no cuts at all in this programme.