HC Deb 02 May 1973 vol 855 c1313

Amendments made: No. 123, in page 72, line 2, leave out from ' the ' to second 'to' in line 3 and insert: 'appropriate Minister or Ministers shall cause a notice of his or their intention to make the byelaw'.

No. 124, in page 72, line 4, leave out 'he thinks' and insert: 'is in his or their opinion'.

No. 125, in page 72, line 6, leave out 'Minister intending to make the byelaw' and insert 'appropriate Minister or Ministers'.

No. 126, in page 72, line 9, after 'him', insert 'or them'.

No. 127, in page 72, line 19, leave out from 'The' to first 'is' in line 20 and insert: 'appropriate Minister or Ministers may fix the date on which a byelaw'.

No. 128, in page 72, line 30, leave out 'Minister who made it' and insert 'appropriate Minister or Ministers'.

No. 129, in page 72, line 31, after ' he ', insert ' or they '.—[Mr. Graham Page.]

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