HC Deb 02 May 1973 vol 855 cc1242-4
14. Dr. Dickson Mabon

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what up-to-date evidence he has of land hoarding by individual landlords and private building firms in Scotland.

Mr. Younger

Specific evidence has not been presented to me and local planning authorities have not suggested to me that land hoarding is creating significant problems in Scotland at present.

Dr. Mabon

Since the Government make something of this in their White Paper, and since I agree that it is a problem worth examining, would it not facilitate a continuing monitoring of the situation if the Secretary of State took power to have a return of all owners of lands and heritages of above, say, 5 or 10 acres, that return to be kept up to date? Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the last time Parliament authorised this was in 1872 and that it is not possible through the Register of Sasines to be certain about present land holdings? Would not this be a way of establishing land ownership?

Mr. Younger

I shall have to think about that suggestion. But if there is such land holding it will be dealt with by the land hoarding charge which is to be introduced. If it happens, it will be dealt with automatically. It will not be a problem difficult of solution.

Mr. Edward Taylor

Will the arrangements in respect of the land hoarding charge apply fully to Scotland? As many of us rushed back here from the municipal elections in order to hear the answer to Question No. 11 on landlords' and tenants' deflation, is my hon. Friend prepared to give the answer in reply to a supplementary question to Question No. 14?

Mr. Younger

I can understand my hon. Friend's annoyance. However, the answer will be given in written form and I have no doubt that my hon. Friend will give it adequate publicity. In reply to his first point, I confirm that the land hoarding charge will apply in Scotland exactly as it is planned to apply in England.

Mr. Robert Hughes

Is the Undersecretary aware that I share his feelings that the hon. Member for Glasgow, Cath-cart (Mr. Edward Taylor) left Glasgow yesterday very annoyed having been heavily defeated in the local elections? Does the Under-Secretary realise that it is now more than six months since the Select Committee on Scottish Affairs recommended that a land register for Scotland should be drawn up? When does he intend to act upon that?

Mr. Younger

My right hon. Friend has assured the House that the Select Committee's Report is being actively considered. I repeat that assurance. Incidentally, I made no such suggestion about the arrival here of my hon. Friend the Member for Glasgow, Cathcart (Mr. Edward Taylor). He is, as always, on duty here in good time to do his job, as his constituents and everyone else would expect.

Dr. Mabon

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the hon. Gentleman's reply, I beg to give notice that I shall, with your assistance, seek an early opportunity to raise the matter on the Adjournment.