HC Deb 20 March 1973 vol 853 cc210-1
3. Mr. Leslie Huckfield

asked the Minister of State for Defence whether he will institute a review of procedures for investigating accidents occurring while British troops serving abroad are on manoeuvres.

Mr. Blaker

The present procedures which apply to accidents worldwide and irrespective of the circumstances generally operate satisfactorily, and I see no need to review them.

Mr. Huckfield

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that when I asked him a similar Question in November he said that these procedures were made with a care and consideration which is much appreciated by relatives."—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 30th November 1972; Vol. 847, c. 608.] Does he not realise that the late son of my constituents Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Keresley, near Coventry, was killed on manoeuvres on 24th September last year and that his parents have not been told exactly what happened to him? Is not this disgusting and disgraceful? Will the hon. Gentleman do something about it?

Mr. Blaker

The Question to which the hon. Gentleman referred and which I answered earlier related to a different aspect of this tragic case. I appreciate the hon. Member's interest in it. The facts are that the late Signalman Johnson's commanding officer wrote to Mr. Johnson giving the circumstances of the accident on the day it occurred. I have not been able to provide further information because, as the hon. Gentleman knows, there has been a court-martial and it is not possible to give information which will be raised in a court-martial pending the result of the proceedings.

Mr. Huckfield

In view of the grossly unsatisfactory nature of that reply, I give notice that I shall ask leave to raise the matter on the Adjournment at the earliest opportunity.