HC Deb 19 July 1973 vol 860 cc698-9
13. Mr. McNamara

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland whether he will make a statement on the success of the Government's efforts to apprehend members of the Ulster Freedom Fighters.

Mr. van Straubenzee

The security forces have had considerable success in arresting those involved in acts of terrorism, and a number of people believed to be members of this organisation have been apprehended.

Mr. McNamara

I am most grateful to the Minister for his reply to that Question. Is he aware that considerable concern was expressed, in this country and in Ireland, over the report in the Sunday Telegraph with regard to the members of this organisation? The House will be pleased to know that considerable progress is being made to apprehend them as well as any other criminals in Northern Ireland.

Mr. van Straubenzee

The hon. Gentleman will know from a letter that he had from my right hon. Friend that my right hon. Friend shared his concern. He will also recall that police inquiries, not only in Northern Ireland, are proceeding.

Mr. Maginnis

Have the security forces discovered with which terrorist organisation the Ulster Freedom Fighters are associated?

Mr. van Straubenzee

I would rather not speculate as to the background of organisations. I am saying simply that a number of those believed to be connected with it have been apprehended.

Mr. Fitt

As the Minister has indicated, he now believes that some members of the UFF organisation have been arrested. Has any progress been made in connection with the brutal murder of Senator Paddy Wilson for which UFF members claimed full responsibility?

Mr. van Straubenzee

The answer to that question is that very intensive police inquiries are continuing.

Mr. McMaster

Is my hon. Friend aware that there would be no UFF or even UDA in Northern Ireland if it were not for the continued hard and violent IRA campaign pursued over the past three years? These other bodies have come into existence only recently and express the frustration of the average person in Northern Ireland about the continued violence without any effective steps being taken to curb it.

Mr. van Straubenzee

I cannot believe that there are any circumstances that justify the particularly brutal and foul type of murder and other crimes which are claimed, at any rate by members of this organisation.

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