HC Deb 16 July 1973 vol 860 cc16-8
16. Mr. Whitehead

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications what representations he has received about his policy regarding the timing of a decision on the fourth television channel.

Sir J. Eden

In addition to the views expressed by hon. Members, only the TUC has suggested that a decision should be postponed until a general inquiry into broadcasting has taken place.

Mr. Whitehead

In view of the recent lavish Press campaign for the so-called ITV2 and the activities of the hon. Member for Aldershot (Mr. Critchley) and others, will the Minister place firmly on the record today that his mind is still open and that he is still considering other uses for the fourth channel, including further education and linguistic and regional minorities?

Sir J. Eden

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Evelyn King

When inessentials are stripped away, is it not seen that the question is not a technical broadcasting one but a constitutional one? Is it not always dangerous in a democracy when too much power is in too few hands? Is it not a fact that the amount of power already concentrated in the BBC, however it may be used, has become dangerous, and that, whatever view hon Members may take about the way in which that power has been exercised in the past, or may be exercised in the future, it is undesirable that any further power should be placed in the hands of that body?

Sir J. Eden

That is certainly a point of view to be borne in mind.

Mr. John Morris

Is the Minister aware that a very representative national conference convened by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff on 4th July resolved that Wales should be given a national television channel? As the Minister said in his article in the Western Mail in February that he had difficulty in knowing what Wales really wants, will he take note of that resolution and take action in accordance with the near-unanimity of Welsh opinion?

Sir J. Eden

I have already written in answer to representations made from those quarters, and I should be happy to receive a deputation.

Mr. Tom King

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that it is the unanimous view of my constituents and neighbouring constituents that they already have to receive too much Welsh broadcasting in Somerset? Will he treat the suggestion of the right hon. and learned Member for Aberavon (Mr. John Morris) with a great deal of caution?

Sir J. Eden

That is one of the points that my hon. Friend the Member for Bridgwater (Mr. Tom King) and his constituents will no doubt wish to bring to the attention of the Committee on Broadcasting Coverage.

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