HC Deb 31 January 1973 vol 849 cc1346-7
10. Mr. Eadie

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will now make a statement regarding his decision on future developments at Edinburgh Airport linked with the report of the public inquiry that was submitted to him.

Mr. Gordon Campbell

My decision to grant outline planning permission to the British Airports Authority for its proposed new runway and terminal complex was announced in a letter of 26th January to the authority. I have placed in the Library copies of the letter and of the inquiry report.

Mr. Eadie

May I congratulate the Secretary of State on reaching what was, contrary to what many people thought, not an easy decision? Nevertheless he has reached the right decision because it means so much for employment prospects in Midlothian, Edinburgh and South-East Scotland generally. Will the right hon. Gentleman now tell us the time scale for the expedition of the development of the runway and terminal buildings?

Mr. Campbell

I am grateful to the hon. Member for his comments. It was an exceedingly difficult decision to take and those who were critical about the time factor will recognise when they see the reporter's report that it was a matter which had to be dealt with carefully and fully. The reporter found objection to both the alignment proposals, including the Cramond Association's proposals, and his alternative suggestions had to be looked into fully and urgently. There is now a right of appeal to the Court of Session against my decision on certain limited grounds and the time limit there is six weeks.

Mr. Ross

Bearing in mind all the factors involved, I believe that the Secretary of State is due our congratulations for a courageous decision and one which will be to the benefit of the entire city of Edinburgh.

Mr. Campbell

I am extremely grateful to the right hon. Gentleman, particularly because when the subject was raised in the House before Christmas I was unable to say anything about what was in the report.