HC Deb 28 February 1973 vol 851 cc1490-1
22. Mr. McCrindle

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the present level of the trade and similar representation at the Russian Embassy in London; and how this compares with similar representation in February 1970.

Mr. Amery

There are 44 permanent officials at the Soviet trade delegation, which is separate from the embassy, and 93 in other organisations, mostly of a commercial kind.

The comparable figures in February 1970 were 66 and 102 respectively.

Mr. McCrindle

Has my right hon. Friend conveyed to the Soviet Union our pleasure at the improved relations both in diplomatic matters and in a trade sense? Has he further conveyed our feeling that those relations would be put in jeopardy if there were to be a repetition of the over-staffing of the Russian Embassy, which might lead to a repetition of the events of November 1971?

Mr. Amery

My hon. Friend will accept that the facts speak for themselves. Our exports to the Soviet Union have risen from £89 million to £90 million worth and our imports from £205 million to £227 million worth. So clearly our trade has not be adversely affected; it has somewhat improved.

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