HC Deb 03 April 1973 vol 854 cc213-4
12. Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what has been the length of time so far taken by his departmental investigation of the payment of supplementary benefits in industrial disputes; when he now expects to complete it; and what decision he has reached in his investigation about the provision of subsidised butter for strikers and their dependants.

Sir K. Joseph

As to the Government's review of supplementary benefit for strikers' families, I have nothing to add to my replies to my hon. Friend on 6th February and 6th March. The question of subsidising butter is being considered by Ministers.—[Vol. 850, c. 58–9; Vol. 852, c. 213–5.]

Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

If we have really decided that, rather than incur the displeasure of Mr. Vic Feather and Mr. Hugh Scanlon, we will inevitably require the taxpayer to subsidise those who strike in defiance of legislation which the Government have chosen to pass, might it be better that we should say so rather than proceed much longer with the farce of this interdepartmental investigation?

Sir K. Joseph

I am sorry, but I must tell my hon. Friend that this has not been a charade. If he is distressed, as he may well be, by the length of time that Ministers are taking, I could, under pressure of examination, disclose other subjects, alas, on which we are taking even longer, because there are some very difficult issues involved.

Mr. Heffer

Will the Secretary of State draw his hon. Friend's attention to the fact that in the building industry there is a thing called lump labour, which means that certain people are not paying their national insurance contributions, some people are actually drawing their dole and working and some who should be paying taxes are not paying them? Will the Government do something about this, which is much more serious than the sort of nonsense that the hon. Member for South Angus (Mr. Bruce-Gardyne) raises every so often?

Sir K. Joseph

I know that the hon. Gentleman realises that the responsibility to which he refers is not mine but is at present being tackled by the Government. In so far as there is abuse, the recent Fisher Report drew attention to some aspects of the lump.