HC Deb 29 November 1972 vol 847 cc405-6
11. Mr. David Steel

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications if he is now in a position to announce the date when the ultra high frequency transmitter at Selkirk will come into operation.

Sir J. Eden

It has been transmitting the Independent Broadcasting Authority's service since 1st March, 1972. UHF transmissions of BBC1 and BBC2 are expected to start next spring.

Mr. Steel

The transmitter the Minister referred to as already transmitting is the ITV one, not the still awaited one for BBC. Can he give an accurate date, because this transmitter was originally schedule for March 1972? We are now well past that date. I know that it was put back a year, but can the Minister give a specific date when it will come into operation, so that we can get BBC2 transmissions and colour television on BBC?

Sir J. Eden

My right hon. Friend the former Minister of Posts and Telecommunications told the hon. Gentleman in October 1971 that BBC1 and BBC2 services were planned to begin during 1973. I have made this more specific today by saying that it will be in the spring. I cannot get closer than that at present.

Dame Irene Ward

Why has the undertaking given by my right hon. Friend's predecessor that the North-East coast should have services available before the end of this year been put into limbo when the new arrangements are going through for Carlisle and Scotland? Will my right hon. Friend please ensure that the North-East coast is not treated in this way? We are very angry. We do not want everything to go to Scotland to the exclusion of the North-East coast.

Sir J. Eden

I am aware of my hon. Friend's concern. I will be answering the Question that she has on the Order Paper.

Dame Irene Ward

It is a pledge.