HC Deb 22 November 1972 vol 846 c1282
21. Mr. Adam Hunter

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many old and retired people died of malnutrition in Scotland in the year 1971; and if he will state the circumstances in each case.

Mr. Monro

Deaths of old and retired persons from malnutrition in Scotland in 1971 numbered 14. The detailed circumstances in each case are not easily available.

Mr. Hunter

That is a substantial fall from the numbers who died in 1970 due to malnutrition. However, the incidence of malnutrition is caused by a variety of reasons, one of which is an insufficient income. Does the Minister agree that a substantial increase in the basic pension would give old people confidence in their last remaining years to enjoy them with vigour and determination? Will he ask his right hon. and hon. Friends to come up now to Committee Room 13 where a deputation of Scottish old-age pensioners is meeting and discussing problems? Please ask the Secretary of State to come—Room 13 at 3.30.

Mr. Monro

I note what the hon. Member said and I hope that he and other hon. Members will keep these sad cases in perspective. The 14 deaths from malnutrition must be compared with the 44,379 from normal causes among old people. I note what he says about an increased income and that is exactly what the Government are seeking to achieve for the old people.