HC Deb 13 November 1972 vol 846 c30
25. Mr. Golding

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he will take steps to prohibit the import of coking coals.

Mr. Tom Board man

No, Sir.

Mr. Golding

Is the Minister aware that many miners' jobs are involved, and will he tell us what is the burden on the balance of payments? Is it not absurd that the British Steel Corporation should import coking coal into Port Talbot when it could be provided by the National Coal Board from pits in North Staffordshire?

Mr. Boardman

The hon. Gentleman will know that various qualities of coking coal are not available from British mines. It is necessary, and it is accepted by the National Coal Board to be necessary, to import these qualities for blending with British coal which otherwise would not find a market.