HC Deb 09 November 1972 vol 845 c1177
15. Mr. Farr

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what plans he has for the construction of the new high security prison for the segregation of trouble makers.

Mr. R. Carr

None, Sir. But I am considering, in the light of recent experience, how far improvements can be made in our techniques and facilities for containing prisoners who are violent, dangerous or trouble makers.

Mr. Farr

With regard to the troubles in the autumn, would my right hon. Friend not agree that if trouble makers had been segregated in one highly unpleasant and secure place a lot of the troubles fermented by the trouble makers in the prisons might well not have occurred? Will my right hon. Friend look at that matter again?

Mr. Carr

Certainly I am looking very carefully at what is called the dispersal policy, but I remind my hon. Friend that the answer would not necessarily be, as some people imagine, a top security prison, because while the so-called category A top security people may include trouble makers, they do not include all the trouble makers. Therefore, this would not be the answer to the problem.