HC Deb 23 May 1972 vol 837 cc1211-2
13. Mr. Leslie Huckfield

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what computers are in use currently in his Department; what information is stored on computer filing systems; and what systems of access control exist.

Mr. Patrick Jenkin

The Treasury uses various computer terminals to develop and run economic forecasting models and in connection with the planning and control of public expenditure. For the most part, the information used is of an economic and statistical nature. The system of access control is designed to ensure that only authorised members of Treasury staff can have access to the records.

Mr. Huckfield

I thank the Minister for that assurance, but I remind him that computers in his Department are being used by the Inland Revenue. Is he satisfied that, when they are being used, individuals can have sufficient access to their own tax records? Also, is he aware that, once proposals for a negative income tax are introduced, other persons will seek access? What will he do about controlling access by other people when that system is introduced?

Mr. Jenkin

I assure the hon. Gentleman, who has a Question about Inland Revenue computers down for Written Answer today, that my right hon. Friend's departments are acutely aware of the need for proper security of computer records. I do not think that it would be possible for individual taxpayers to have direct access to computer output from the Inland Revenue computer, but they are always entitled to discuss their affairs with their local inspector of taxes. As to the tax credit system, I think we must await the publication of the Green Paper and consideration of the proposals when they are made public.

Mr. David Steel

How are the computers and their human assistants getting on at Centre 1 at East Kilbride? Is he aware that the number of complaints I am receiving from my constituents shows no signs of abating?

Mr. Jenkin

There has been a marked improvement, and a tribute was paid in Committee last week by the hon. Member for West Lothian (Mr. Dalyell), who congratulated the Inland Revenue on the great progress that has been made. I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman's constituents have not enjoyed the same improvement.