HC Deb 22 May 1972 vol 837 c998

36. Mr. Peter Archer asked the Attorney-General whether he will take action to expedite the return of searches by Her Majesty's Land Charges Registry.

The Attorney-General

All possible efforts are already being made to expedite the processing of searches in the Land Charges Department. I expect the present delays to be eliminated next year when the department's manual index has been computerised.

Mr. Archer

I welcome the right hon. and learned Gentleman's answer, but will he meanwhile at least make clear to the public what is responsible for the delays, since solicitors are sometimes being blamed for delays in house purchase which on this occasion do not lie at their door?

The Attorney-General

That is true. It is because there has been an increase of about 23 per cent. over the past few years' average that the department works weekends and even has evening shifts, but until the computerisation has been completed the problem cannot be properly and satisfactorily dealt with. I hope it will be done next year.

Sir Elwyn Jones

Will the Attorney-General also look at the delays in local searches, which I understand are now taking five or six weeks to accomplish whereas they used to be done very quickly?

The Attorney-General

Yes, Sir. I shall certainly look into the question of local searches.