HC Deb 16 May 1972 vol 837 cc224-5
18. Mr. William Hamilton

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the percentage increase in the food index between June, 1966, and January, 1967; and what have been the comparable figures in each six-monthly period since then.

Mr. Prior

As the answer contains a number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate the information in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Hamilton

Is there any six-monthly period other than that mentioned in the Question which compared more favourably'? Even if there is, does not the Minister recognise that there is growing evidence of concealed price increases in the form of depreciation of quality and reductions in quantities, as has been demonstrated to him by his own supporters, although they all voted against the retention of the Consumer Council, which would have protected consumers from that kind of practice?

Mr. Prior

There are no figures as good as those for June, 1966, to January. 1967. The extraordinary thing about the figures is that they show an acceleration all the way through the period of the Labour Government. The fact that they were accelerating at that time means that it takes a bit longer to get them under control—[HON. MEMBERS: "At a stroke."]—but hon. Members will be pleased to know that they are now decelerating.

Mr. Ridsdale

Was not the price of imported food put up "At a stroke" by 15 per cent. on devaluation in November, 1967?

Mr. Prior

Yes, and hon. Members opposite have forgotten all about the effect of purchase tax and selective employment tax and all the other taxes which they increased.

Mr. Alan Williams

Is the right hon. Gentleman guaranteeing that there will not be another devaluation in the next 12 months?

Mr. Prior

I am guaranteeing that while we remain in office we shall not have to put up selective employment tax and so on as the Opposition did.

Following in the information:

The percentage changes in the Food Index between June, 1966, and January, 1967, a period of seven months, and for each six-monthly period since then, were as follows:

Per cent.
June, 1966—January, 1967 -0.7
January, 1967—July, 1967 +0.7
July, 1967—January, 1968 +2.3
January, 1968—July, 1968 +2.2
July, 1968—January, 1969 +1.9
January, 1969—July, 1969 +4.7
July, 1969—January, 1970 +2.0
January, 1970—July, 1970 +5.5
July, 1970—January, 1971 +3.4
January, 1971—July, 1971 +7.8
July, 1971—January, 1972 +3.4