HC Deb 27 March 1972 vol 834 c178

Queen's Recommendation having been signified

Motion made, and Question,

That, for the purposes of any Act of the present Session relating to finance, it is expedient to authorise—

  1. (a) the payment out of moneys provided by Parliament of salaries or fees to the President of any tribunals established under that Act or any member of such a tribunal, of pensions to or in respect of a former President or full-time Chairman of such tribunals and of expenses and allowances to persons attending before such tribunals as witnesses;
  2. (b) any increase in the sums payable out of moneys provided by Parliament under section 84 of the Finance Act 1965 which is attributable to provisions of the Act of the present Session amending that section and Schedule 20 to the Act of 1965;
  3. (c) any increase in the amounts payable out of the Consolidated Fund under the Income Tax (Repayment of Post-War Credits) Act 1959 which is attributable to any provision of the Act of the present Session authorising (with effect from the beginning of April 1972) sums payable under the 1959 Actto be taken as amounting, inclusive of interest, to 138 per cent. of the post-war credit as notified in the relevant certificate or, as the case may be, of the amount outstanding under section 3 (building societies) of the Act;
  4. (d) any increase in the sums to be issued out of or paid into the National Loans Fund which is attributable to any provision of the Act of the present Session enabling the Public Works Loan Commissioners to make further loans in pursuance of section 3 of the National Loans Act 1968 up to a limit of £4,000 million;
  5. (e) any increase in the sums that may be paid out of the Consolidated Fund which is attributable to any provision of the Act of the present Session substituting for the limit on the advances that may be made to trustee savings banks under section 53 of the Trustee Savings Banks Act 1969 a limit of £15 million on the amount outstanding in respect of such advances.—[Mr. Barber.]

put forthwith pursuant to Standing Order No. 94 (Ways and Means Motions), and agreed to.

Bill ordered to be brought in upon the Resolutions relating to Ways and Means and Finance (Money) and the Orders relating to Procedure made this day; to be brought in by the Chairman of Ways and Means, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Maurice Macmillan, Mr. Patrick Jenkin, Mr. Terence Higgins, Mr. John Davies, and Mr. Peter Walker.

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