HC Deb 22 March 1972 vol 833 c1500
Mr. Latham

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate that the Chair always has great difficulty and that you do your best in judging how to keep the balance between the number of supplementaries that you allow together with the need to cover as many Questions as possible. However, I am a little worried, and I seek your guidance, because presumably you try to exercise some judgment as to the importance of a matter and the interest that the House may show in it.

I am a little alarmed that we went on to spend some time on the issue of cats and mice, having had one supplementary only—from my hon. Friend the Member for St. Pancras, North (Mr. Stallard)—on the vital issue of civil liberties raised in Question No. 33. I repeat that I am worried about this, and I seek guidance from the Chair as to how the situation can be resolved when a matter of such vital importance appears to be passed over much too quickly.

Mr. Speaker

The Chair is always in this difficulty. I try to get through as many Questions as possible. In fact, I allowed one supplementary to Question No. 33 and one to Question No. 36, although in both cases a number of hon. Members rose. I do the best I can.