HC Deb 08 March 1972 vol 832 cc1417-8
2. Mr. Hugh Jenkins

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will introduce a policy of special grants for the improvement of public amenities especially in areas of high unemployment.

The Secretary of State for the Environment (Mr. Peter Walker)

I recently announced new arrangements for grants to assist local authorities in development, intermediate and derelict land clearance areas in dealing with neglected and unsightly land in their areas. The aim is to create new employment and at the same time to improve the amenities of the areas concerned.

Mr. Jenkins

I am grateful to the right hon. Gentleman. That is indeed a step in the right direction, but a great deal more could be done. There are many areas where improvements are needed in the arts, crafts and parks; all kinds of things are needed to bring our environment up to scratch. Would not this be an opportunity, particularly in areas of high unemployment, for the right hon. Gentleman to spend public money in the most fruitful cause, simultaneously improving the amenities of an area and providing useful employment for the people?

Mr. Walker

There has been a massive increase in activity in this sphere. Not only are there improvement grants for houses and grants under Operation Eyesore but there is a considerable increase in loan sanction for local authorities for other schemes. But I agree with the principle outlined by the hon. Gentleman.