HC Deb 28 June 1972 vol 839 cc1419-21
8. Mr. William Hamilton

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications how many applications have been received to date for the operation of local commercial radio stations within the terms of the new Act; and if he will publish the detailed terms under which applicants have been successful in obtaining a purchase.

Sir J. Eden

Only the Independent Broadcasting Authority, when it has come into legal existince on 12th July, will be able to consider applications for programme contracts. It will be the authority's responsibility to decide whether to make disclosures about numbers and other details beyond what is required of it by Section 10 of the Act.

Mr. Hamilton

I was aware that the Question was a little premature, but is the Minister aware that there is a fairly general welcome concerning the publica- tion of the fairly stringent conditions which have been laid down by the Independent Broadcasting Authority as to the allocation of franchises? Will he give an assurance that before franchises are granted, and in view of the experience of the television authorities with Harlech and Thames in particular, he will undertake to publish well beforehand the terms on which franchises are applied for and that he will take steps to ensure that the Independent Broadcasting Authority insists that those terms are kept meticulously by the people who gain the franchises?

Sir J. Eden

As the hon. Gentleman will recognise, the authority is very much guided by the terms of the Act. Section 10 lays down the sort of information which is to be published by the authority.

Mr. Proudfoot

Does my right hon. Friend accept that if the applicants are equal, there is nothing in the Act to stop the licences being distributed by public auction, in the same way as North Sea oil drilling rights were auctioned?

Sir J. Eden

It will be for the authority to determine the manner in which programme contractors are to be selected.

Mr. Elystan Morgan

For licences granted in Wales, will the Minister direct that a fair balance should be kept between the Welsh and English languages?

Sir J. Eden

No question of direction arises here. This is a matter for the authority.

19. Mr. Roy Hughes

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications if, in order that independent local radio stations should serve recognisable communities and be firmly rooted in their localities, he will now state when he intends to make an announcement about such a station to serve Newport and Monmouthshire.

Sir J. Eden

Whilst agreeing with the objectives for independent local radio as stated by the hon. Member, it will be for the IBA to consider which stations should follow those I have already announced.

Mr. Hughes

Can the Minister confirm that the proposed station for Cardiff will cover the whole of South-East Wales? If that is the case, there will be a great deal of resentment in Newport and Monmouthshire, which is an area of a rather different character. While commercial radio is a retrograde step, nevertheless, if it is to be, we want our own station for Newport and Monmouthshire and we do not wish to come under the umbrella of Cardiff.

Sir J. Eden

The last part of the hon. Member's suggestion will certainly be borne in mind. We have announced that two stations are planned for that part of Wales and it is intended that they will be local stations. There is provision for up to 60 stations in all.

Mr. McCrindle

Will my right hon. Friend take note that for those of us who represent constituencies in Essex to have either Radio London or Radio Ipswich to choose between is not satisfactory?

Mr. Speaker

Order. This Question deals with Wales, does it not?