- Harrow 237 words cc211-2
- Wage Claims 424 words cc212-3
- Unemployed Persons (Near Retirement) 228 words cc213-4
- Hotel and Catering Industry 377 words cc214-5
- North Sea Gas and Oil 666 words cc215-7
- Industrial Relations Act (Training of Union Officials) 565 words cc217-9
- Rail Dispute 621 words cc219-20
- Scotland (Lost Jobs) 309 words cc220-1
- Steel Industry 502 words cc221-3
- Commission on Industrial Relations (Ballot) 396 words cc223-4
- Industrial Relations Act (Ballots) 578 words cc224-6
- Leicester 482 words cc226-8
- Disabled Persons 648 words c228
- School Leavers (Wolverhampton) 284 words cc228-9
- Oldham 344 words