HC Deb 05 June 1972 vol 838 c19
23. Mr. Thomas Cox

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, when he last met representatives of the Gas Council.

Mr. Emery

Meetings take place as necessary. The last was just before the holiday.

Mr. Cox

Can the hon. Gentleman say whether at the meeting any discussion took place criticising the policy of gas boards of charging consumers for the work involved in tracing possible gas leaks? These charges are deeply resented by consumers, and surely it is the duty of the gas boards to safeguard the general public from possible explosions, and they should not charge consumers who report leaks.

Mr. Emery

Two questions arise here. As for the discussions, these are of course, confidential, and are mainly to obtain the greatest degree of co-operation between the Department and the boards. Secondly, I would say that this is a commercial matter which varies from board to board. It is left to the boards to make their own decisions.

Mr. Redmond

Would the hon. Gentleman tell the House when he last met the trade unions concerned with the gas industry and what matter was discussed then?

Mr. Emery

Meetings take place as necessary. The last was just before the holiday.

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