HC Deb 26 July 1972 vol 841 c1812
24. Mr. Michael McNair-Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will set up vehicle noise check points on motorways and other main arterial roads.

The Under-Secretary of State for the Environment (Mr. Eldon Griffiths)

Roadside checks on vehicle noise are not easily carried out for technical reasons. I am now considering recommendations made by a working group of the Noise Advisory Council.

Mr. McNair-Wilson

While I welcome my hon. Friend's reply, may I point out that there is a pressing need to control vehicle noise in towns and cities and that the present regulations, which require so much space for the installation of noise meters, mean that those metters are virtually uninstallable? Will he therefore consider the American system which uses noise checks on motorways?

Mr. Griffiths

I agree that the present regulations are not satisfactory. Nor is the equipment, and, following the report of the Noise Advisory Council, we shall gladly consider any equipment likely to improve matters.