HC Deb 26 July 1972 vol 841 cc1804-5
17. Mr. Clinton Davis

asked the Sec retary of State for the Environment what plans he has for making an official visit to Hackney.

Mr. Peter Walker

None, Sir, at present.

Mr. Davis

What a disappointment. Does not the right hon. Gentleman think that he would have had a pretty hot welcome from my constituents, especially in the light of the sort of nonsense which has been spoken by the Minister for Housing and Construction today? Is he aware that there are about 10,000 families on the housing waiting list in Hackney and that people are living in the most appalling conditions? If the Hackney Council were to take his advice—which, I am pleased to say, it will not—and to embark upon the sale of council houses, would it not totally adbicate its responsibilities towards those who are suffering the present tragic conditions?

Mr. Walker

Rather than a hot welcome, I should, I believe, receive a warm welcome for the 75 per cent. slum clearance subsidy which the Government have introduced.