HC Deb 24 July 1972 vol 841 cc1310-1
30. Mr. Judd

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what studies have been undertaken by the Overseas Development Administration into the relevance of Chinese development experience for development policy in bilateral and mulilateral programmes; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Wood

No comprehensive studies have been undertaken, but information on the development techniques of China and of other countries which is relevant to our own programmes is carefully examined by my Department.

Mr. Judd

Will the right hon. Gentleman agree that the experience of China, particularly in agriculture and rural development in terms of intermediate technologies, is highly relevant to the needs of the developing world? In view of the better diplomatic relations which exist between Britain and China, will he give an undertaking that his Department will make a study in depth of progress in China?

Mr. Wood

We are undertaking researches into this very important subject. If any of the Chinese experience is relevant to this research, and it may well be that this is the case, those who are carrying out the research will take it into account.

Mrs. Hart

Following the successful visit of the Under-Secretary of State to China, will the right hon. Gentleman consider the possibility of sending a team of officials to China to look specifically at the development question?

Mr. Wood

I shall certainly consider any suggestion of that kind.