HC Deb 20 July 1972 vol 841 c1065


11.0 p.m.

Mr. Graham Page

I beg to move Amendment No. 660, in page 167, line 13, after 'allowances', insert 'or other payments'.

The House may think we are being a little mean. This deprives honorary aldermen of the right to expenses when attending civil ceremonies. It is really only a drafting Amendment.

Mr. Denis Howell

If that is what the Minister is doing, it is mean. These are people who have served the community for many years. They are elected because of that, and there is often an unofficial time limit for retiring. When people have given good civic and political service for a long time and are elected honorary aldermen, they should have their expenses met when they attend on civic occasions or at council meetings.

Mr. Graham Page

If they attended council meetings, or civic ceremonies as honorary aldermen, they would not be entitled to receive allowances as councillors. No honorary aldermen is entitled to receive that.

It is expressed as allowances and expenses, and it was merely thought right to add the phrase here so that it accorded throughout the Bill. The honorary aldermen do not receive expenses as such, but if they had to attend, on behalf of the council, some civic ceremony elsewhere they would be entitled to their expenses.

Amendment agreed to.

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