HC Deb 27 January 1972 vol 829 c1618
Mr. Buchan

On a point of order. May I raise a matter of general and particular importance? This morning Standing Committee H commenced discussion of the Agricultural (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill when the general point was raised of the difficulty in which the Committee found itself. It was about to discuss agricultural matters and it is likely to continue in operation during the period when the E.E.C. Bill will be discussed. One Bill would be negating the other. It seemed to us that a general point of parliamentary procedure was involved and we sought to adjourn the Sitting of the Committee until this question of divergent policies was resolved—

Mr. Speaker

I am grateful to the hon. Member for having given me notice of his intention to raise this matter. I have taken advice and I am told I must rule that matters arising in Standing Committee cannot be discussed on the Floor of the House as the conduct of the Committee rests with its Chairman and cannot be raised formally on a point of order. That is the advice I have received and I must so rule.