HC Deb 19 January 1972 vol 829 c455
29. Mr. Harper

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many miles of crash barrier have now been erected on the central reservation of the M1 motorway; and what is the total cost.

The Minister for Local Government and Development (Mr. Graham Page)

Seventy-two miles at a total estimated cost of £634,193.

Mr. Harper

I thank the Minister for that reply. Can he say what further tests have been made to these crash barriers, especially on the M1, where a tragic accident took place on 11th December in which a man and his wife were killed because the barriers were not strong enough to take the impact of a lorry travelling in the opposite direction? Does not the Minister think that a better and far wiser policy would be to erect barriers at a lower speed and make them more resistant to this kind of accident?

Mr. Page

That accident involved a 20-ton lorry crossing the barrier. At the present time barriers are not made to withstand that sort of impact. A thorough investigation is proceeding into the allegations which have been made in the Press about barriers on the M1, and I would rather wait until that investigation is completed before making any further statement. I give an undertaking that I shall report the result of the investigation to the House.