§ 23. Mr. Blakerasked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he will make a statement about his further discussions with representatives from Hong Kong about the tariff and quota system for textiles.
§ Mr. Anthony GrantTalks with Hong Kong Officials were held last week in order to examine in more detail the implications of the decision to retain quota controls on Hong Kong's trade in cotton textiles with the United Kingdom.
§ Mr. BlakerIn these discussions, are Her Majesty's Ministers bearing in mind that in addition to their responsibility towards British manufacturers they have a responsibility, both legal and moral, towards Hong Kong, which is unique amongst our overseas suppliers of textiles, 19 being a developing country and a dependent territory?
§ Mr. GrantThere was a detailed exchange of views. Each Government has been given a full understanding of the other's position and each side is now considering its position.
§ Mr. Joel BarnettWould the hon. Gentleman confirm that if we enter the Common Market on 1st January, 1973, he will have to reduce the level of import quotas to bring them into line with those in Europe? Will he reduce the present level in order to get a smoother transition?
§ Mr. GrantI take note of what the hon. Gentleman says, but I am not in a position to make such an announcement at this stage of the talks.