HC Deb 28 February 1972 vol 832 cc29-30
36. Miss Fookes

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will exercise his powers under the Weights and Measures Act, 1963, so as to require jam, honey and marmalade to be sold in prescribed quantities.

Sir J. Eden

Under the provisions of the Act, jam, honey and marmalade, with unimportant exceptions, are already required to be sold, when prepacked, in a prescribed range of quantities.

Miss Fookes

Will my hon. Friend bear in mind that it is a very strange range that is allowed and that I am only sorry I did not bring a pot to show him?

Sir J. Eden

I hope that my hon. Friend will take an early opportunity of doing so.

Mr. Molloy

Do not both this Question and the matters raised in Questions Nos. 13 and 20 indicate strongly that the watchdog of the public—namely, the Consumer Council—should be recreated?

Sir J. Eden

I am aware of the general consumer interest in ensuring that what people believe they are buying they in fact buy.

Mr. Cormack

May I draw my hon. Friend's attention to the fact that on 14th March I shall seek to introduce a Unit Pricing Bill, and may I express the hope that this will meet with Government support?

Sir J. Eden

I take note of what my hon. Friend says.