HC Deb 13 December 1972 vol 848 cc414-5
3. Mr. Douglas

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will make a statement on the official contacts between his Department and the Institute of Geological Sciences.

Mr. Gordon Campbell

The Scottish Office keeps in regular touch with the work of the institute including its Continental Shelf Unit in Edinburgh. My noble Friend the Minister of State hopes to pay an official visit to the institute in the New Year.

Mr. Douglas

While thanking the Secretary of State for that reply, may I ask him to go to the institute and see the work that is being done with a view to co-ordinating it with work being done by the Institute of Offshore Engineering, established by the Heriot-Watt University in Midlothian, so that we do not miss the opportunities for developing the under-water technology that will be needed when we go to very deep waters for North Sea oil?

Mr. Campbell

I am well aware of the Continental Shelf Unit in Edinburgh. It makes its assessments available to the Government. Those assessments include information which the exploring companies have to provide under their licences. I have announced to the House the new institute at the Heriot-Watt University.

Mr. Eadie

Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that we are discussing the resiting of the new technological university in my constituency which will be among the most modern in the country? Does he also agree that it is not sufficient for the Government to depend on money coming from private individuals, welcome though that is? Do not the Government have a responsibility to be more specific about this instead of simply talking about the matter being dealt with by the University Grants Committee?

Mr. Campbell

I am very much aware of what is happening in the hon. Gentleman's constituency. As he will remember I laid a foundation stone for the Heriot-Watt University last year. I also announced that Aberdeen University will be undertaking an important survey connected with the oil industry in Scotland.