HC Deb 07 December 1972 vol 847 cc1650-1
7. Mr. Sydney Chapman

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list in the OFFICIAL REPORT those public functions and activities that are prohibited, including the limitations to the activities of individuals, on 31st December, 1972, as a result of this New Year's Eve day falling on a Sunday.

Mr. Lane

The Sunday Observance Act, 1780 prohibits the opening and use on a Sunday of any place to which the public is admitted on payment for public entertainment, amusement or debate. Exceptions have now been made in respect of the cinema, concert halls, museums and picture galleries, and the like, lecture halls and theatres. I will, with permission circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the various statutes which impose restrictions on activities taking place on Sunday.

Mr. Chapman

I thank my hon. Friend for that information. Will he confirm that no public dance can be held on next New Year's Eve and that if any other public function can be held those attending it will be inhibited and limited in what they can do and enjoy? Is there not a genuine case for excluding from the provisions of the Sunday Observance Act and the Sunday Entertainments Act the odd occasions when New Year's Eve falls on a Sunday?

Mr. Lane

There was no great difficulty when it last fell on a Sunday, five

Sunday Observance Act 1780 as modified by: Public entertainments for which admission is charged.
Sunday Entertainments Act 1932 Cinema, concerts, galleries etc., lectures.
Licensing Act 1964, section 88 Certain late Saturday night entertainments.
Sunday Cinema Act 1972, section 1 Cinema.
Sunday Theatre Act 1972, sections 1 and 2 Theatre.
Game Act 1831, section 3 Killing or taking of game.
Gaming Act 1845, sections 12 and 13 as modified by: Billiards.
Licensing Act 1964, section 182(2) Billiards.
Shops Act 1950, sections 12, 22 to 23, 47 to 65 and Schedules 5, 6 and 7 Sunday trading.
Protection of Birds Act 1954, section 2(1) and (2) Killing or taking of certain birds.
Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act 1963, sections 5 and 10 and Schedule 4 On-course betting and off-course cash betting.
Licensing Act 1964, sections 60, 62, 65 to 67 and 70 Sale and supply of intoxicating liquor.
Gaming Act 1968, section 18 Gaming in licensed clubs.