HC Deb 07 December 1972 vol 847 c1643
Mr. Bryant Godman Irvine

I ask leave to present a Petition on behalf of the fishermen of Rye and district who are concerned with the effect of beam trawling in the waters off the Sussex coast.

The Petition concludes: Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Honourable House do most urgently debate the conservation and safety of Britain's Inshore Fishing Grounds to give protection to the livelihood of Britain's Inshore Fishermen. And that your Honourable House do approve to ban all Beam Trawling along the South Coast within Britain's Territorial Waters 12-mile Limit except by local Trawl Permits to meet special local area needs. The Petition goes on to say that the present inadequate antiquated system of patrol protection be substituted by a new system and a number of fast vessels competent to protect all areas under their control for the supply of food to the Nation from Britain's own fishing grounds and do urge your Honourable House to call for an immediate debate on these matters. And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.

To lie upon the Table.

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