HC Deb 09 August 1972 vol 842 c1817
Mr. Deputy Speaker (Sir Robert Grant-Ferris)

I have to notify the House, in accordance with the Royal Assent Act, 1967, that the Queen has signified Her Royal Assent to the following Acts and Measures:

  1. 1. Appropriation Act, 1972.
  2. 2. National Insurance Act, 1972.
  3. 3. National Health Service (Scotland) Act, 1972.
  4. 4. Administration of Justice (Scotland) Act, 1972.
  5. 5. Gas Act, 1972.
  6. 6. Land Charges Act, 1972.
  7. 7. Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1972.
  8. 8. Industry Act, 1972.
  9. 9. Harbours Development (Scotland) Act, 1972.
  10. 10. National Debt Act, 1972.
  11. 11. Poisons Act, 1972.
  12. 12. Bath Side Bay Development Act, 1972.
  13. 13. British Transport Docks Act, 1972.
  14. 14. Devon River Authority (General Powers) Act, 1972.
  15. 15. Essex River Authority Act, 1972.
  16. 16. Greater London Council (General Powers) Act, 1972.
  17. 17. Liverpool Corporation Act, 1972.
  18. 18. London Transport Act, 1972.
  19. 19. Milford Docks Act, 1972.
  20. 20. Selnec (Manchester Central Area Railway, &c.) Act, 1972.
  21. 21. Thames Barrier and Flood Prevention Act, 1972.
  22. 22. Thames Conservancy Act, 1972.
  23. 23. Hampshire County Council Act, 1972.
  24. 24. Deaconesses and Lay Ministry Measure, 1972.
  25. 25. Clergy Pensions (Amendment) Measure, 1972.