HC Deb 07 August 1972 vol 842 c1228
4. Mr. Sydney Chapman

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if it is the intention of Her Majesty's Government to agree to Israel, Rumania, Spain and Turkey being regarded as developing countries for the purpose of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development generalised preferences scheme.

The Minister for Trade (Mr. Michael Noble)

We are not willing to extend the list of beneficiaries of our generalised preferences scheme unilaterally, but if these countries are accepted in the scheme of the European Economic Community we shall consider including them to the same extent as the Community does.

Mr. Chapman

While I am grateful for that reply may I ask my right hon. Friend whether he will, therefore, make the strongest representations that these four countries, which by any stretch of the imagination must be industrialised rather than developing countries, do not receive preferential treatment, so that those most in need will receive maximum help? Would my right hon. Friend agree that if the list is to be added to, it should not be before the closest re-examination of those manufactured goods and semi-manufactures which are to be allowed duty-free into this country?

Mr. Noble

Yes, I can assure my hon. friend on both those points.