HC Deb 07 August 1972 vol 842 cc1236-7
12. Dr. Stuttaford

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what changes he expects in the level of boot and shoe production in the last two quarters of this year.

Mr. Anthony Grant

Forecasts of future production of boots and shoes are not available.

Dr. Stuttaford

Does my hon. Friend agree that any check in production such as might be occasioned by uncertainties over value added tax might be disastrous in an industry with such a finely balanced economy? Will he therefore ask his right hon. and hon. Friends at the Treasury to expedite negotiations between the retailing and manufacturing sides of the industry?

Mr. Grant

My hon. Friend rightly defines questions relating to VAT as matters for my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer. I will certainly see that he takes notes of what my hon. Friend has said. The industry is in touch with Customs and Excise about its problems with VAT.

Mr. Heller

Will the hon. Gentleman inform the House what action the Government are taking to stop imports of footwear, particularly rubber footwear, from Hong Kong, Portugal and Korea? Footwear is coming into the country and being stamped by local manufacturers and sold as being of local manufacture. Is not this a disgrace, and is it not time that action was taken to protect the work force in the industry?

Mr. Grant

My immediate reaction is that if what the hon. Gentleman is saying is correct it sounds like an infringement of the trade description legislation, but I will certainly look into it. On the general question of imports, I have said that we will act quickly and flexibly to provide safeguards for the industry. We are in touch with the industry and are awaiting further information from it.

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