§ 30. Mr. Bruce-Gardyneasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what discussions he has had with local authorities with a substantial proportion of council houses standing vacant regarding possible action to remedy this situation.
§ Mr. YoungerResponsibility for remedying this situation rests with the local authority concerned, but my right hon. Friend is prepared to have discussions with any council which approaches him.
§ Mr. Bruce-GardyneWhere it can be shown that local authorities have substantial numbers of council houses standing vacant because they were built in the wrong place or were of a wrong type in 558 response to pressure from the Labour Party when it was in government, will my hon. Friend consider the possibility of arranging special financial assistance for the local authorities affected and preferably debit it to and recover it from Transport House?
§ Mr. YoungerThat is certainly a very lucrative source of funds to be tapped, but I do not think I have any power to tap it. The local authorities involved are very concerned about the question of houses which are standing empty and I am willing to discuss with them the problems which it raises. However, I take into account the number of empty houses in an area when considering applications for new building.