HC Deb 02 August 1972 vol 842 cc546-7
13. Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is satisfied with the ratio of the investment of public funds by the Highlands and Islands Development Board in the hotel industry, and the number of jobs resulting.

Mr. Younger

Yes, having regard to the indirect contributions to local employment which hotel projects also make.

Mr. Bruce-Gardyne

I appreciate that argument, but is my hon. Friend really satisfied that instances such as the presentation of a cheque for £130,000 to Sir Charles Forte in respect of one hotel, which in all probability would have been built anyway, is really a good way in which to spend taxpayers' money?

Mr. Younger

There are two points on that. First, I understand that the Forte organisation was statutorily entitled to that money, and it was therefore not up to me or anyone else to criticise the organisation for getting it. Secondly, one has to look not only at the jobs given by such items as hotel projects but at their general effect on the local economy, and the effect on some of the remote areas of an hotel which might be comparatively modest in the City of London is very great indeed.

Mr. Lawson

When the hon. Gentleman is considering making these grants for hotels, will he by some means institute some protection or clause to ensure that an hotel in the Highlands can give a hot meal of some kind so long as the bar in the hotel is open?

Mr. Younger

That is a very entertaining suggestion. If the hon. Gentleman takes it up with the Scottish Tourist Board, the board might be willing to discuss it with him.