HC Deb 27 April 1972 vol 835 c1743
5. Mr. Tilney

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will circularise local fire chief officers to offer training in fire prevention in colleges of education or schools.

Mr. David Lane

Fire authorities already seek opportunities to give such training. Guidance to assist them in this task has been prepared by the Central Fire Brigades Advisory Council and will shortly be circulated.

Mr. Tilney

Does not my hon. Friend agree that fires cause immense damage to property and loss of life and that the means of prevention are best inculcated in the young?

Mr. Lane

I agree, and I know my hon. Friend's interest in this problem. I take this opportunity to draw the attention of the House and of local authorities to a new guide to fire prevention publicity and a new booklet on teaching fire prevention in secondary schools which we are issuing shortly.

Mr. Costain

Does my hon. Friend appreciate that with the raising of the school leaving age this is a subject which might be taught in schools? Can my hon. Friend arrange for the necessary co-ordination between his Department and the Department of Education and Science so that courses may be held?

Mr. Lane

That is a helpful suggestion and I will draw the attention of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Education and Science to it. If we can help in that, we will.