HC Deb 10 April 1972 vol 834 c836
19. Mr. Michael Roberts

asked the Secretary of State for Wales how many unauthorised dumps of toxic materials have been discovered in Wales since 1st January, 1971.

Mr. Gibson-Watt

This information is not readily available because of the inadequacy of the previous methods of controlling the dumping of toxic waste material. This has now been substantially remedied by the passing of the Deposit of Poisonous Waste Act.

Mr. Roberts

Does my hon. Friend agree that it is most important that all toxic dumps are located and eliminated? Will he consider discussing with his right hon. and learned Friend the possibility of declaring an amnesty for past dumping for those who come forward and help to locate dumps containing toxic materials?

Mr. Gibson-Watt

I am greateful to my hon. Friend for raising this matter today. The question of an amnesty has been considered. However, a formidable problem would be presented in investigating all reports of the tipping of wastes, most of which probably would be found not to be toxic.