§ 50. Mrs. Doris Fisher asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what measures he has taken to bring together the world communities for a political, social and economic solution to the problem of Bangla Desh.
§ 55. Mr. Cormack asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonweath Affairs what assistance has been, and is being, given by Her Majesty's Government to the refugees from East Pakistan; and if he will make a detailed official statement on the situation.
§ The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Sir Alec Douglas-Home)With permission, Mr. Speaker, I should like now to reply to questions Nos. 50 and 55 together.
I have repeatedly expressed the view that the responsibility for a political settlement in East Pakistan lies with the Pakistan Government and people. The humanitarian aspects are indeed a matter of international concern, and I am glad to be able to announce now that in response to U Thant's recent appeals, and to Prince Sadruddin Khan's appeal of 11th October, Her Majesty's Government are making available a further £7½ million for relief among the refugees in India and a further £1 million for relief in East Pakistan. This brings our total contributions to over £14¾ million for relief among the refugees, and £2 million for relief in East Pakistan. I hope that other nations will also respond generously to U Thant's appeals.
§ Mr. CormackIs my right hon. Friend aware that the whole House will greet that Answer with great approbation? Would he care to comment on his feelings about the organisational efficiency of the United Nations in this matter?
§ Sir Alec Douglas-HomeI am obliged to my hon. Friend for those comments. I saw U Thant about this matter in New 374 York. He has now appointed Mr. Henry as co-ordinator of aid and the distribution of aid in East Pakistan, and I do not think one could have a better man controlling that job.
§ Mr. PrenticeWhile welcoming the right hon. Gentleman's statement, may I ask whether he would agree that in view of the estimates that have been made about the sums involved in keeping the refugees alive—it is estimated that this is running at something over £1 million per day and that the cost of doing this in the last six months is more than twice as much as all the aid that has been received from the whole world put together—even larger figures will be required in the near future from Britain and other countries?
§ Sir Alec Douglas-HomeWe will do all we can, and other nations might care to match our efforts.
§ Mr. BraineBearing in mind that it is one thing to pledge help in money or kind—and in this matter Her Majesty's Government have an impeccable record—but quite another to ensure that the relief actually reaches the needy and those who are suffering, is my right hon. Friend satisfied that the U.N. relief programme will, in fact, ensure distribution to the needy in East Pakistan? If there is doubt about this, what is to be done about it?
§ Sir Alec Douglas-HomeI particularly raised this matter with the Secretary-General of the U.N. I think the food reserves are quite good. It is, of course a matter of communications and, in particular, a matter of getting the food supplies to certain areas up country. The U.N. is now in those areas and suggestions are being made as to how this should be done. We are supplying some river transport, as are other countries. One therefore hopes that the situation will not deteriorate too badly in the near future.
§ Mr. HealeyHon. Members on all sides of the House will wish to congratulate Her Majesty's Government on the example they have set other Governments in the United Nations in terms of the generosity of the aid they have offered? Having said that, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman to agree that there is now, more than ever, little chance of distributing the aid or reducing the size of 375 the burden falling on all concerned unless much more rapid progress is made towards a political solution which is felt to be satisfactory by the people of East Pakistan?
Would the right hon. Gentleman say something about the growing reports of escalation, both in word and troop movements, on the part of both the Governments of Pakistan and India? Has he considered raising this whole matter in the Security Council on the basis of a threat to peace, for it is impossible to resist the impression that when the monsoon period ends, the sub-continent may drift into a war the boundaries of which may not be the boundaries of the subcontinent?
§ Sir Alec Douglas-HomeWe should all like to see the most rapid progress made towards a political settlement that is acceptable to East and West Pakistan. Indeed, that is the aim of the whole operation and the sooner it happens the better. We have limited influence there, though we can, of course, give advice behind the scenes.
As for the frontier and troop movements, I understand that in the last two days the Pakistanis have offered to withdraw their troops 10 kilometres or more from the frontier. The Indian response has not yet been received, but it does not look as though it will be favourable.
The answer to the rest of the right hon. Gentleman's supplementary question is that we will do everything we conceivably can to assist progress towards a settlement, but, as I say, this must be done essentially between Pakistan and India.
§ Mr. HealeyIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that there are reports that the Soviet Government are attempting to establish themselves as mediator between the two Governments? While any initiative is to be welcomed, from whatever part of the world it may come, is this not essentially the type of problem for which the U.N. was set up? Is it not a severe criticism of the U.N. in its present form if a patent threat to peace is not being dealt with by that organisation?
§ Sir Alec Douglas-HomeNeither the Pakistan Government nor the Indian Government would admit that there was a 376 threat to peace involved by either of them, and it is therefore difficult for any other Government to bring this matter to the U.N. on that ground. I think that the situation can only be very carefully watched. We have been able to be in communication with the President of Pakistan, and Mrs. Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, is coming here. I suggest that we had better await her visit.
§ Sir F. BennettWould my right hon. Friend agree, in connection with a political settlement, that the recent steps taken by the President of Pakistan in the sense of declaring a general amnesty and the replacement of the military ruler by a civilian one may prove to be an initial valuable contribution?
On the question of aid getting through, if there really are that number of people interested in food supplies reaching the interior of East Pakistan, would my right lion. Friend agree that the blowing up of bridges and the placing of limpet mines on food ships is not the best contribution that can be made?
§ Sir Alec Douglas-HomeI agree that sabotage is lamentable and is interfering with the U.N. relief effort. The President of Pakistan has lately begun the civilianisation of the Government and administration in East Pakistan. We cannot at this stage judge whether this will be acceptable to the people of East Pakistan. The proof must be seen on the ground, as it were.
§ Mr. Frank AllaunWhile appreciating the tremendous efforts made by the Indian Government in bringing relief in this situation of massive human suffering, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman to stress to both Governments concerned that military action by either of them will not help the plight of the refugees.
§ Sir Alec Douglas-HomeYes, Sir.
§ Mr. StonehouseApart from the threat to peace, is it not clear that this situation has escalated well beyond an internal question and, therefore, is it not right that the United Nations should concern itself with the situation? Also, is it not clear that the genocide convention has been breached by the Pakistan authorities by their repression 377 in the last seven months. A few minutes ago the right hon. Gentleman said that the refugees left their homes because of the repression of the Army. What representations is he making through the United Nations to bring this repression to an end to allow the situation to return to some normality so that the refugees can return?
§ Sir Alec Douglas-HomeThere is some progress towards a return to civil rule in East Pakistan. As I have said, the East Pakistanis must judge whether this is sufficient to reunite the country. I cannot tell them. All we can do—behind the scenes and, if necessary, through the United Nations regarding the humanitarian work—is to do our best and to make a contribution towards relief.
§ Mr. MolloyIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that Britain's contribution in aid to this very sad situation is deeply appreciated in India and in parts of Pakistan? Can the right hon. Gentleman do anything to alleviate the agonising frustration felt by British volunteer workers in that part of the world in that they cannot get aid and medicaments to some parts where refugees are situated because of the actions of the Pakistan Army? Would the right hon. Gentleman be prepared to talk to representatives of the British volunteer organisations to see what he can do to help?
§ Sir Alec Douglas-HomeYes, Sir. The Government of India preferred to deal with this matter themselves. The voluntary organisations in Pakistan have been asked by the Pakistan Government to operate in the areas badly affected by flood, where relief is very much needed, and they are doing it to good effect.