HC Deb 25 November 1971 vol 826 cc1560-1

  1. 1. The Commission will carry out an examination of all aspects of the question of racial discrimination in Rhodesia. The Commission will review all existing laws (including subsidiary legislation and the administrative practices thereunder) to determine which such provisions or practices in its opinion are discriminatory. The Commission may receive evidence from any relevant source and the Government of Rhodesia will ensure that its officials will co-operate fully with the Commission in this respect.
  2. 2. The Commission will make recommendations to the Rhodesian Government on ways of making progress towards the ending of any racial discrimination and its Report will be published.
  3. 3. The Commission is required to give special attention to the provisions of the Land Tenure Act. The Commission shall consider interalia
    1. (a) the question of removing any restrictions on the entry into European areas of Africans wishing to attend multi-racial places of education or to be admitted to multiracial hospitals, and any other restrictions on occupation;
    2. (b) the question of removing any restrictions on the right of an African member of the professions to practise in a European area:
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    4. (c) in the light of the national interest, the question of the equitable allocation of land in relation to the needs of the respective sections of the population; and
    5. (d) the possible creation of an independent and permanent multi-racial Land Board to preside over the long-term resolution of the problems involved.