HC Deb 25 November 1971 vol 826 cc1535-6
Mr. Speaker

A point of order. Mr. George Cunningham.

Mr. George Cunningham

You will remember, Mr. Speaker, that on Question No. 20 to the Minister of State for Defence, you cut off supplementary questions at an unusually early stage after I had put a very lengthy supplementary question. No doubt you did so for that reason. However, the length of my supplementary question was due to the fact that I chose to preface it with what I considered to be a necessary tribute to the courage of our troops in Northern Ireland. I suggest that it is important, especially when Ministers appear to be sweeping under the carpet the legal implications of action, that this House should not appear to be doing the same. In those circumstances, I feel that you might have allowed supplementary questions to run for a longer period.

Mr. Speaker

That is not really a point of order at all. The hon. Gentleman has given notice already that he intends to raise the matter on the Adjournment. It must rest there.

In regard to what is to happen now, I understand that the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs is to make a statement. Following that, the Leader of the House will make a statement. Then there will be the Ballot for Notices of Motions for Monday, 13th December, following which I shall rule on the point of privilege raised yesterday. After that, I shall rule on subsequent points of order, of at least one of which I have been given notice.

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